Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Re: [emrat:2040] 2013 High Mileage Challenge

CPT Bob,

Sara did a little better than me.  She still needs to post her Odometer photo, but her totals for 2012 were Beginning Mileage: 8,531 Ending Mileage: 25,660 / Year End Total Mileage 2012: 17,129

Mostly due to the fact that she commutes to work, while I work from home.

- Sean

On Jan 2, 2013, at 6:04 PM, "Robert & Denise Wendl" <> wrote:

Now that is a good year of riding!
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: [emrat:2038] 2013 High Mileage Challenge
Here is mine for the beginning of 2013.  Reminding me that I need to get the 24K service done.

We run a mileage program for one of the other clubs that Sara and I ride with, so I had my mileage from the beginning of the year recorded as well. 

My official totals for 2012:  Beginning Mileage: 7,776 / Ending Mileage: 24,127 / Year End Total Mileage 2012: 16,351

On Jan 1, 2013, at 5:11 PM, Robert & Denise Wendl <> wrote:

Here is the photo of the odometer on my tiger has of today. As you can see, at this time I have 14,587 miles on the clock. I'm hopping to equal the total number of miles in 2013 that I road in 2012. My challenge to everyone is to exceed do the same.
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