Sunday 2 December 2012

[The Network] Fwd: Please join us for The Network's Holiday Gourmet Luncheon, December 13

You're invited! We'd love to see you at The Network's Holiday Gourmet Luncheon, December 13, 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM. Where? Warren Tech Culinary Arts School, 13300 West 2nd Place, Lakewood, CO 80228

Join your colleagues for a delicious, four-course holiday luncheon at Warren Tech Culinary Arts School. Enjoy great food and fun with your peers, while supporting a wonderful educational program! 

The Culinary Arts program at Warren Tech Central is one of 25 different career and technical education classes available at Jefferson County School District's Career and Technical High Schools.

We ask that you bring your agency brochures and plan to participate in a recipe exchange. We're hoping that each attendee will bring their favorite holiday recipe or a homey one to share for cold winter days. If you send your recipe to info@thenetwork-co in advance, we'll print it out for distribution at the event.

The price for this gourmet feed is just $16, which goes directly to Warren Tech, not The Network. You don't have to pay in advance, but please do register, so we know you're coming. For online registration, visit: The Network's Holiday Gourmet Luncheon

See the Network's other trainings and programs online, along with information on membership, our resource listserv and directory, and updated info in human services via our blog, calendar, and members-only online resources. Paid members of the Human Services Network of Colorado receive a discount on registration for paid trainings.  Memberships start at $45 for one year of benefits.

Happy Holidays! 

John Dandurand, Executive Director
The Human Services Network of Colorado

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