Monday 1 July 2013

[The Network] FW: Children's Eating Lab Research Project

If you all are aware of any African-American or Latino families (children between 3 and 5 years of age) that may be interested in participating in this survey, please pass on the information. I'm not a fan of projects that tell people how to eat, but I think this survey will give our folks an opportunity to let researchers know what's available and what isn't. I know this group and it's pretty good. For more info, please contact:


Kimberly A. Williams M.S.

Aurora, CO 80045

Ph: 303-724-3310

Fax: 303-724-4495

Professional Research Assistant

Department of Pediatrics, Section of Nutrition University of Colorado Denver Mail Stop F 561,

12631 East 17th Avenue, Room 2611



Tracey Stewart, Family Economic Security Program

Colorado Center on Law and Policy

303-573-5669 ext. 314


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-----Original Message-----

From: Williams, Kimberly

Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:31 PM


Subject: FW: Children's Eating Lab Research Project


Hi Tracey,


Very nice to meet you tonight. Thank you for being willing to connect me to providers, so that I can access families with 3-5 year olds. I'm forwarding you an email that I sent to a director of a Head Start program. The flyers that we use to recruit is attached to this email with my contact number. All parents need to do is to contact me and I can get them set up for an interview. 


The research project that we are currently recruiting for is Titled: Portion Size Expectations: in which we want to conduct interviews with African American and Latino caregivers of preschooler's (3-5 years of age).


The purpose of this study is to document parents' portion size expectations for their preschoolers and how they make these decisions, and to develop a protocol to teach parents to serve developmentally appropriate portion sizes to their preschool children.  To achieve this goal, we want to conduct interviews with parents to determine how much they serve their young child and how they make these decisions.



We would need the parent/caregiver to come to the University of Colorado Denver AMC campus to participate in a single 60 minute interview. This project would not involve the children coming to the lab, we only need the caregiver to attend the interview session. We will compensate each participant with a $25.00 visa gift card for their time and pay for parking.


Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your time.


Kimberly A. Williams M.S.

Professional Research Assistant

Department of Pediatrics, Section of Nutrition University of Colorado Denver Mail Stop F 561,

12631 East 17th Avenue, Room 2611

Aurora, CO 80045

Ph: 303-724-3310

Fax: 303-724-4495





From: Williams, Kimberly

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 1:22 PM


Subject: Children's Eating Lab Research Project


Hello Ms. McCarty,


Thank you so much for speaking with me today. I appreciate your willingness to allow us to recruit parents from Clayton Early Learning Center. We are excited to work with you and your staff.


I have outlined the research project and the criteria for the participants below. I realize that this is a lot of information and would be willing to speak with you about this in person. I'm available at your convenience.


The research projects that we conduct in the Children's Eating Lab seek to understand child feeding, some of the challenges that parents face when feeding young children, and how parents and children interact during the mealtimes. We also work with groups who are developing obesity prevention programs for young children.


The research project that we are currently recruiting for is Titled: Portion Size Expectations: in which we want to conduct interviews with African American and Latino caregivers of preschooler's (3-5 years of age).


The purpose of this study is to document parents' portion size expectations for their preschoolers and how they make these decisions, and to develop a protocol to teach parents to serve developmentally appropriate portion sizes to their preschool children.  To achieve this goal, we want to conduct interviews with parents to determine how much they serve their young child and how they make these decisions.


I have attached a flyer explaining the study. We normally like to go to Childcare Centers and recruit the caregivers in person. We usually set up a table and talk with caregivers about our project and answer any questions that they may have.


We would need the parent/caregiver to come to the University of Colorado Denver AMC campus to participate in a single 60 minute interview. This project would not involve the children coming to the lab, we only need the caregiver to attend the interview session. We will compensate each participant with a $25.00 visa gift card for their time and pay for parking.


Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your time.


Kimberly A. Williams M.S.

Professional Research Assistant

Department of Pediatrics, Section of Nutrition University of Colorado Denver Mail Stop F 561,

12631 East 17th Avenue, Room 2611

Aurora, CO 80045

Ph: 303-724-3310

Fax: 303-724-4495<>






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