Thursday 19 October 2023


Here is the list of confirmed RMRAT members going on the ride this SAT, 10/21:
Rich Hansen
Capt. Bob Wendl (ride leader)
Al Miller
Jim Baker (meet at museum)
Robert Sheehan
I will update list as I hear from anyone else interested in going.
Wayne E. (EWB)
On 10/14/2023 4:49 PM MDT WAYNE EVERMAN <> wrote:
Martin; please post the below on the RMRAT Facebook page. I did contact the museum about a group visit, however it would require purchasing tickets online (at a $2 discount), and since we don't have a firm count of who is attending, we will stick to the original plan. I would like you to request that the members who are planning on meeting me for the ride to the museum to respond to FB or the email site so I can get a count of who to expect.  Wayne E.
On 10/07/2023 2:43 PM MDT WAYNE EVERMAN <> wrote:
Martin/RMRATs:  Here is the plan so far.
When; Saturday, OCT 21, 2023, 1100 AM.
Ride: Meet at the Sinclair gas station at 2195 N CO 83 in Franktown, with wheels up by 10:00 AM.  Route will be south on CO83 to Powers Blvd/R21, left on Powers Blvd/R21 continuing south, exit at Aeroplaza Drive, east to Aviation Way, north to 775 Aviation Way.  I will be driving my car, so if someone wants to volunteer to lead the ride, speak up. Plan on rain or shine. I can take 4 people besides myself in my car.
Other: I have contacted the museum concerning a group visit, have yet to hear from them.  At the SEP RMRAT meeting, we decided that the visit would be on an individual walk-in visit basis.  The entrance fee is $17. I will provide updates if I hear back from them.
Wayne E.


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