Tuesday, 11 February 2025

[emrat:14874] Calender for 2025

Good Afternoon,hope everyone is staying warm?The following is flexible to any changes\additions.I think i have a location the the mid_July rally,but i need to verify prices.Let me know if there is a topic that you would which to present at the monthly meeting.Here is what l have so far:

February 15th:Possible first Sunday ride,weather permitting,but leaning towards March to get those back on the schedule


March 1:RMRAT meeting at Foothills Motorcycles at 10am,short ride to follow weather permitting

March 1:Daytona Supercross

March 2:Opening MotoGP,Thailand

March 9:Daytona 200

March 28-30:MotoGP in Austin,Texas


April 5th:RMRAT meeting at Foothills Motorcycles,short road ride to follow

April 27:Sunday ride/Chuck Ferrari ride (April 20 is Easter Sunday


May 3:monthly RMRAT meeting at Foothills Motorcycles,followed by short road ride

May 18:Distinguised Gentlemans Ride (DGR)


June 1:Car show?motorcycle show at Arapahoe Community College (vince Lane,please verify the date and thankyou)

June 7:RMRAT meeting at Foothills Motorcycles,followed by short road ride

june 7:Colorado Vintage bike show in Erie?


July 5:RMRAT meeeting at Foothills Motorcycles

July 18-20:Triumph in the Rockies.

August 2:RMRAT meeting at Foothills Motorcycles,followed by short road ride

August 2:Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

August 17:Bullit Bob's 5 Pass Ride


September 6:EMRAT meeting,short ride to follow

September 13:Colorado Conclave at Oak Park and regular Sunday ride

September 20-21:Fall overnighter,McCook,Nebraska


October 4:RMRAT meeting at Foothills Motorcycles,short road ride to follow

October 19:Sunday ride


November 1:RMRAT meeting,halloween candy consumption at Foothills Motorcycles


No monthly meeting,however on the 7th,Childerens Hospital Toy Ride.Foothills have allowed us to use their space,so lets pay them back and particpate.

Holiday party to be announced at a later date

August 17:Bullit Bob's 5 Pass Ride

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