The good people at LiveWell Colorado are excited that our Club is hosting a fundraiser for them and have sent us some cool swag for our participants:
- Two yoga mats
- Two running jackets
- Two technical Ts
Check out the attached, skillfully arranged and not quite professionally shot photo!
I'll be honest: we don't have a lot of members who have signed up to participate. Here's the list of heros so far:
Julie Houde
Ryan Taube
Jay Hoskinson
Keira Morrell
Jessica Mansur
Matt Newport
OK, so it's a bit much to call myself a hero. I plan on bringing my bike and trainer and spinning my rear wheel for a while when I'm not running.
I'm pretty sure that out of 120+ members, more than seven of us need a run some time this weekend. You don't have to make a major financial gift to participate - every $10 helps!
I have heard from some members who cannot make it to the event but want to help LiveWell Colorado. If you can't come, make a donation that fits for you (and please let me know the amount - I'll keep your individual donation confidential but add it to our Club total).
Aristotle is quoted as having said "We are what we repeatedly do." This weekend gives you a chance to help define what Altitude Multisport Club really is.
Come for the camaraderie. Come for the cool swag. Come as an act of showing up in the world in the best version of yourself.
And if you can't come, support your fellow members by making a donation.
I hope to see you on Saturday.
-- Jordan
Jordan Graham
Altitude Multisport Club
720-297-8002 mobile
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