Thursday, 5 October 2017

Re: [emrat:10231] Black Hills September 2018?

I for two echo Martin's thoughts. Martin, I will help you plan and organize. I think Hill City is the right local, more motel and restaurant options and other entertainment venues that are independent of the BH Rally and open year round.

On Oct 4, 2017 11:49 AM, "'Martin Albright' via EMRAT" <> wrote:
This is a follow up to last night's meeting. 

I have to say I really liked Darren West's idea of a multi-day (not just weekend) trip to the Black Hills.  Like many in the club, I've only been there on a motorcycle during the Sturgis rally and while Sturgis is interesting in its own way, it's certainly not the best time to ride the back roads of the Black Hills.  Not only is every road crowded with half a million straight-piped Harleys, but every shop, motel and campground in the region charges inflated 'rally prices.' 

I was very impressed with the job that Pam and Andy did with organizing the Triumphs in Taos rally, but every time I stay at the Kachina Lodge I get less impressed with their service and let's face it, the accommodations are old and not in that great shape (particularly when you consider the cost.)  

Not only that, but I've only done Taos 5 times and I feel like I've ridden every decent (paved) motorcycle road in the area, some of them more than once. 

So I'll move that the post-Labor-day RAT rally be moved to the Black Hills for 2018.  I'd be happy to start up the planning to find a suitable hotel, planned rides, etc.  If anyone else wants to join me in the planning process, please let me know. 

I'd also like to get a heads-up of how many people in the group might be interested in going to such a rally in 2018?  Since this wouldn't be tied to the Sturgis rally there'd be no need to stay on the Northern edge of the Black Hills, I'm thinking that Hot Springs, Custer, or Hill City would be the best locations to stay.  Any other thoughts? 

Also, is there a local RAT group in the Black Hills area?  I had thought there was a Triumph dealer in Rapid City but I know that doesn't necessarily mean there is a RAT (and in any case, who knows how hard it might be to establish a RAT group in the Land where Harleys Rule.) 


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