Lynn Thayer
Case Manager
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
Fax: 303-340-3934
Case Manager
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
Fax: 303-340-3934
-----Original Message-----
From: Meg Allen <>
To: Meg Allen <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 10:36:05 -0600
Subject: CPIN: JOB POSTING--Open Position for ACC Health Coordinator
Dear Service Providers,This is a re-posting for the Health Coordinator at the African Community Center. Please note that the posting has been revised from the last time I sent it out. If someone has already sent in their resume, please note that they would like you to reapply to show your continued interest in the position as it is being posted now. Please send this out to any networks that you had sent it to before.
Meg K. AllenCommunity Integration Director
Colorado Providers for Integration Network Coordinator--building on the work of the Denver Coalition for Integration
Colorado African Organization6795 E. Tennessee Ave., Suite 250Denver, CO 80224(303) 953-7060 X111Immigrant integration is a dynamic, two-way process in which newcomers and the receiving society work together to build secure, vibrant, and cohesive communities. As an intentional effort, integration engages and transforms all community members, reaping shared benefits and creating a new whole that is greater than the sum of its parts (Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erin Efaw Frank <>
Date: Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 10:26 AM
Subject: Job Posting/Open Position for ACC Health Coordinator
To:, allstafff <>
Thank you.Please find attached a job posting for ACC's Health Coordinator. The duties of this position have been revised since the previous posting and will supersede the prior job description. The position as posted is temporary through the end of September 2013 with anticipated funding renewal in October 2013.Please send all cover letters and resumes to by close of business Wednesday, June 12. If you have already submitted a resume, please kindly resubmit to indicate continued interest,
No phone calls please, or emails to this address.
Erin Efaw Frank
Resettlement Programs Manager
African Community Center
5250 Leetsdale Drive, Suite 200
Denver, CO 80246
303-399-4500 x. 339
We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. Mother Teresa
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