Monday, 19 May 2014

RE: [emrat:4702] Re: New Tom Cruise Movie Trailer

A couple of years ago, I read a great article in Vanity Fair about Katie Holmes and how Tom Cruise and the Church of Scientology had treated her.  It was horrible, and I then vowed never to go to another Tom Cruise movie nor watch one.  Even if he rides Triumphs in his movies.


Let's just focus on the guys below and their history with Triumph:

·         Marlon Brando

·         James Dean

·         Elvis Presley 

·         Steve McQueen


Other stars/celebrities with Triumph connections: The Fonz (Henry Winkler) George Clooney, Prince Henry, Peter Fonda, John Kerry, Ann Margaret, Clint Eastwood . . . probably more if (a) you have a good memory (Wayne?) or (b) we do some research.


Glad to hear that everyone who rode to Salida made it home safely!  And also, Doc, who went on the Erico Ride, and Black Bonneville Bob, who went on the Old Bike Ride (OBR).




From: [] On Behalf Of Doc
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 7:58 AM
Subject: [emrat:4696] Re: New Tom Cruise Movie Trailer


Yeah, I was impressed that Triumph had the exposure, just not impressed of the person riding the bike for this exposure.


Marlon Brando

James Dean

Elvis Presley 

Steve McQueen 


TOM CRUISE?!! Not my Triumph poster child.

On Sunday, May 18, 2014 8:14:59 PM UTC-6, Doc wrote:

Looks like Triumph does it again. Tom rides a Thruxton in his new trailer/ movie.

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