Wednesday, 14 May 2014

[The Network] Fwd: Colorado Homeless People's Rights Survey Training and Kickoff!

Colorado Homeless People's Rights Survey Training and Kickoff!
Sunday May 18th at 1-3pm
at El Centro Humanitario (2260 California Street, Denver, CO)
As laws pass across the country criminalizing acts of survival like sleeping, sitting, and sharing food in public space, and as discrimination against people based on their housing status continues to prevent homeless people’s access to employment, public bathrooms, voting, and equal protection under the law — “Homeless Bills of Rights” which legally protect people’s rights to sleep, sit, give/receive food, work, vote, and survive have become necessary.
Thus far five states have passed Homeless Bills of Rights. More states are working toward Homeless Bills of Rights that will  stop the criminalization of homelessness as enforced through city laws.
Denver Homeless Out Loud (DHOL) believes that any legislation protecting the rights of homeless people, must be grounded in the experience and priorities of people on the front lines of homelessness. So here in Colorado, our first step is to gather information from people experiencing homelessness in Colorado about what human and civil rights are being violated. With this information, we will work toward a Colorado Homeless Bill of Rights that protects these rights.
The Colorado Homeless People's Rights Survey is being coordinated by DHOL in conjunction with organizations across Colorado. The survey we have drafted asks 25 questions about how laws (such as those against sleeping, asking for donations, and loitering) are affecting people; how police and private security officers are treating people; what is happening in court; what access to shelter or other needed resources looks like; and what barriers people are facing in getting housing and employment.
In order to gather this information from people who are homeless in Denver and all across Colorado we need people to help ask these questions!
The first surveyor training and kickoff event will be held Sunday May 18th  at 1-3pm at El Centro Humanitario (2260 California Street, Denver, CO) If you want to help survey people, or even if you just want to learn more about this work toward a Homeless Bill of Rights, you are invited! 
For more information on Homeless Bills of Rights see  


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