Thursday, 4 September 2014

Re: [emrat:5652] Leisurely way down to Taos

Just trying to get an idea of who to expect tomorrow.  I have
1. Chris Peltz
2. Wayne Everman
3. Steve Smith (IB Steve)
4. Annette Smith

Anyone else?  What about some of you Vague-erham Lincolns?

From: Manuel Baca <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2014 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [emrat:5595] Leisurely way down to Taos

Great Chris!  See you there!
From:"Chris Peltz" <>
Date:Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 3:58 PM
Subject:Re: [emrat:5595] Leisurely way down to Taos

Manny - I will be there
On Aug 30, 2014 2:13 PM, "'Manuel' via EMRAT" <> wrote:
Hello all,

Friday morning, I plan on departing the Conoco in Morrison (the big station that is just west of C-470) at 9:00 am.  I figure that is early enough to get us into Taos at a decent time and the Conoco has a nice big lot.  The route will be the same as last year, so that we can get there and plan out rides around the area for Saturday and socialize. 

We'll stop in Woodland park for gas and lunch in Poncha Springs likely between 12:30 and 1:00.  From there, we'll head south to Alamosa, then east to Fort Garland, then South to Taos. 

I generally keep a pace that is friendly for the more leisurely riders.  Please let me know if you plan to join me.  If you need to get hold of me, you can also call or text 303-903-2343.  Hope to see you there!

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