Tuesday, 9 September 2014

RE: [emrat:5662] Triumphs in Taos

Works a bitch. Sorry you missed it but you're a hero to the boss.
Did not see the side car folks.

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From: 'Rick Eckl' via EMRAT
Sent: ‎9/‎8/‎2014 3:51 PM
To: emrat@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [emrat:5659] Triumphs in Taos

I am glad to hear that the Taos trip was a good one this year.  I am sorry I missed it.  

I was assigned a high revenue job for one of our big clients that required me to stay in town.  My boss said I can submit an expense report for my charges including the $75 registration fee.

Did the group with the custom sidecars and nice British paint jobs make it to the meeting?  I think they were from Roswell.

I am sure the EMRAT's kilts were worn with pride, as usual.



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