Tuesday, 9 September 2014

[The Network] Celebrate National Voter Registration Day


National Voter Registration Day is coming! 
The Colorado Participation Project invites you to participate in this unique opportunity
to register voters and empower your community.

 On September 23, 2014, volunteers, civic groups, and nonprofit organizations across Colorado and the United States
will "hit the streets" for National Voter Registration Day.

 Click here to request more information and to sign on to this important event!


What It Means

 National Voter Registration Day is the largest one-day effort of the year to register voters. Across the United States, communities will put democracy into action by exercising our most basic right: the right to vote. September 23, 2014 is an opportunity for all Coloradans to make sure they are registered to vote in the very important upcoming elections on November 4th.  There are many ways to get involved! 

·       Nonprofit staff and volunteers can run on-site registration drives, educating their clients and communities on the importance of voting

·       Nonprofits can promote civic engagement and voter registration through social media, joining a massive nationally coordinated nonpartisan campaign.

·       The Colorado Participation Project (CPP) will provide resources and tools to nonprofits, including trainings, materials and publicity.

 What It Will Accomplish

·       Register Voters: a network of nonprofit organizations across Colorado will register hundreds of nonprofit clients, staff, and community members. 

·       Highlight Your Organization: Joining this effort will allow you to promote your programs and commitment to your clients.

 ·       Empower Your Community: This effort engages clients who already support your organization to get out and vote on issues of importance.


                      The Colorado Participation Project is a nonpartisan nonprofit that seeks to guide, train, and support nonprofits to improve our communities through civic engagement & advocacy.

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