Wednesday, 7 January 2015

[The Network] Please help by completing the Statewide Outcome Measures survey

The Self-Sufficiency Coalition of Colorado and the Human Services Network of Colorado are jointly compiling information on outcome measures used by communities throughout Colorado. We are specifically seeking communities which currently implement long-term, intensive, community-engagement and client-centered self-sufficiency initiatives. We hope to quantify which outcome indicators are being tracked over time and to determine the  methodologies that agencies are using to evaluate the results of their programs. 

Sample outcome measures are provided as part of each question, however the response format for almost all of the questions is a narrative text box.There are simply too many possible measures to fit them all into a multiple-choice survey.

Our goals in conducting this survey are to:

  • track programs and activities currently in use
  • list the outcome measures used by each program
  • use the results of this survey to demonstrate program effectiveness (or lack thereof) in Colorado

If we can demonstrate statewide effectiveness for a specific program, it will provide a powerful tool in convincing communities to implement it and/or funders to fund it. Ultimately, we hope to establish a statewide network of communities and organizations which are implementing self-sufficiency programs. We can do a lot more together than we can siloed up as we are.

The information you provide will not be made public without your express permission. Click here to take the survey.Please feel free to forward this link to anyone you think would be helpful in your community.


John Dandurand, Executive Director
The Human Services Network of Colorado
c/o Stride, 3000 Youngfield St #170
Wheat Ridge  CO 80215
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. Respond to the Doodle poll (if you haven't already done so) here:

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