Thursday 5 February 2015

[emrat:6415] RE: Info and Interest on Accident Scene Management classes

Also, another thing I would like to stress is that this class is geared towards motorcyclists.  Example, how to remove a helmet safely, without risking spine/neck injury.  But much of the  knowledge can be applied to many situations that don’t specifically involve motorcycles. 


From: EMRAT Pack Leader []
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 10:34 AM
To: ''
Subject: Info and Interest on Accident Scene Management classes


Hello everyone,


So for those of you that missed the Tuesday meeting, we had Colleen Vetere from the Accident Scene Management program to tell us about their organization.  To summarize the program, their mission is “to Reduce Injuries and Fatalities to Motorcyclists.” 


The idea is that, should a motorcycle accident occur, it is most likely that another motorcyclist will be the first person on the scene.  The classes offered teach motorcyclists how to respond; properly assessing the situation, preventing further injury, tending to the injured, and getting help.  You also learn the proper items to carry, should you need to put your training to use.  For details on the program, go to  This link will redirect you to their parent organization. 


The classes are generally 2 full days over the weekend.  She mentioned the possibility of evening classes as well, which would include a Saturday or Sunday.  The cost is about $65-$75 per person. 


So, again, if you are seriously considering or have already made up your mind that you would sign up for a class if the dates work for you, please respond to this email.  If you have already responded with your interest, you do not have to respond again.  Thanks everyone,




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