Just in case any of you RATS see my destroyed Tiger at Erico's, or hear the story, I thought I would post about my accident this Sunday. As Bob and I were leaving Erico's party, we got close to Coors field and a "bloody" car turned into my lane causing me to hit it's front wheel and spinning me into another parked car. Had my full gear on course, but had a hard fall anyway. No head damage, no broken bones but various deep bruises in lots of places. Really buggered up my hand that had surgery a year ago, so that pisses me off the most. Don't know how the Tiger faired but it is in intensive care at Erico's. Thanks to John Beldock for taking me to emergency and taking the Tiger to his shop so quickly – and Justin and others from the shop helped too. Cpt. Bob was riding ahead of me so he was not involved. The car driver got a ticket, never saw me he says of course.
Recovering at home
Denise Wendl
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