December 7, 10:00AM--with networking beginning at 9AM--to 3:45PM
Mile High United Way, 711 Park Ave. West, Denver
Registration is $30 for Network members, $45 for non-members; includes lunch.
To register online, visit: Real-World Advocacy
Be inspired to advocate for policies that will help you be more effective! Leave armed with ideas for engaging your program participants in new, powerful ways so that they may advocate for themselves. Eligible for 6 hours CEU.
Attendees will:
- Learn new and useful resources to share with colleagues & participants,
- Learn how to be most the 'most effective you',
- Discover a new sense of our shared power,
- Explore ways in which non-profits can speak up about issues,
- Gain powerful self-advocacy tools, and
- Identify strategies to engage elected officials and decision-makers.
9:00 Registration and Networking
10:00 Welcome & Opening—Effective Advocacy (video)
Chris Holbert, Colorado State Representative
10:30 What Does Strengths-based Advocacy Mean for Our Work?
Mark Kling, Executive Director, Family Resource Center Association
11:30 Lunch: Meet with peers and share ideas or chat with visiting legislators.
12:00 Keynote—Take Back Your Government
Sen. Morgan Carroll represents Colorado Senate District 29. She was elected to serve as the Senate Minority Leader in 2015. She previously served as President of the Colorado Senate, Senate Majority Leader and Caucus Chair. Morgan served in the Colorado House from 2005-2008 and served as Majority Caucus Chair, vice-chair of Judiciary Committee and on the Business Affairs and Labor committees. She was voted Rising Star, received the Excellence in Service Award from the National Guard Foundation, and was critics' and readers' choice for Best Local Politician from the Aurora Sun Sentinel. She authored Take Back Your Government, a book about the power of citizen advocacy to effect positive change.
Afternoon Breakouts at 12:45 (A) & 2:15 (B)
Person-Centered Advocacy—Being Heard (A)
Jennine Jeffries, Bayaud Industries; Marcus Harris, Cities of Refuge; Rodney Epp, People Rising Against Poverty; Stephen Polk, People Rising Against Poverty
Getting Out the Vote—the Nonprofit Way (A)
Lindsey Hodel, Nonprofit VOTE
Nonprofit Advocacy Do's and Don'ts (B)
Mark Turner, Director of Public Policy, Colorado Nonprofit Association
Preview of Issues & Impacts: 2016 Colorado Legislative Session (B)
Chaer Robert, Manager of Family Economic Security Program, Colorado Center on Law and Policy
3:30 Closing Address—Activating Communities to Act and Advocate
Mike Green, The Denver Foundation, and co-author of When People Care Enough to Act
Thanks to our event sponsors and collaborators:
Human ServicesNetwork of Colorado All FamiliesDeserve a Chance Coalition Colorado Center on Law and Policy
Colorado Nonprofit Association
For online registration, please visit:Real-World Advocacy
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