Wednesday, 5 September 2012

[The Network] FW: Coke Hiring Event

Subject: FW: Coke Hiring Event
From: Muniz, Tom D. - OED []
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 5:10 PM
To: Muniz, Tom D. - OED
Subject: Coke Hiring Event

Hello All:

Here is a new item that recently came across my desk. Let me know if anyone gets hired as a result of this info. Thanks!

Hiring event

Coca-Cola is looking to hire : CDLA Delivery drivers, Warehouse Associates, Supervisors. Please have customer apply online(see Attachment Flier) then send a resume to<>
Once we have secured enough qualified applicants we will have a hiring event for all those that have completed an online application.
Please have your customer do this by C.O.B. September 12, 2012.

Take care,

Tom D. Muniz
Business Development Associate II
Office of Economic Development
Division of Workforce Development

Phone: 720-865-5577 (voice)
Fax: 720-865-5681
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing pls dial 711 (Colorado Relay)

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Tip of the Day: When accessing your local workforce centers for services or activities; remember, you'll get faster service if you are already registered. You can register with your local workforce center by visiting<>. ADA accommodations are available upon request for any workforce activity. Contact your local center for more information or to request an accommodation.
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From: O'Hara, Al P. - Div of Workforce Development
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 3:08 PM
To: #OED - Workforce Development
Subject: coke Hiring Event

Hiring event

Coca-Cola is looking to hire : CDLA Delivery drivers, Warehouse Associates, Supervisors. Please have customer apply online(see Attachment Flier) then send a resume to<>
Once we have secured enough qualified applicants we will have a hiring event for all those that have completed an online application.
Please have your customer do this by C.O.B. September 12, 2012.
If you have any question please call me at 720-865-5588 or email me.


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