Saturday 1 September 2012

TFR info for Sunday, MH largely unaffected, caution going north.

ED crew. I posted this on the RMHPA fourm where we are dissusing the TFR:
Here is the text of my last post, it explains the details of the TFR and how they exactly affect MH flying.
----from the forum---
I'll be hiking a 14er on Sunday. I've got some more detailed info on the TFR for the crew that will probably go down and fly Mt Herman. Here it is:
From a Herman perspective, you can fly on Sunday. Here is the deal with going north. You can go pretty far north except between the hours of 2pm and 3pm. During that hour, the TFR extends to the intersection of W. Perry Park Rd and W. Perry Park Ave which is 9.7 statue miles north of the Herman LZ, so watch your distance-from-launch-o-meter. If you are in the air north of that location and 2pm is coming up, get on the ground.
Aside from that funny 1 hour block, you can go as far north as you want up to the little lake that is just south of Waterton Canyon and Roxborough state park which would be a pretty sweet XC. Don't fly north of that lake. This little lake is impossible to miss. It's right up against the hog back, just south of Waterton Canyon.

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