We are pleased to announce that training costs per participant for the Forklift Certification ($100), and Flagger Certification ($75) will remain the same for 2014! We are proud to report that we have not raised our costs to the general public, employers, or agencies we work with in our 11 years providing training to the metro-area.
PLEASE NOTE: TWO FORKLIFT TRAININGS THIS MONTH! One offered on a weekday and one on a Saturday...striving to meet your training needs and requests!
The training dates for July 2014 are as follows:
FORKLIFT:PLEASE NOTE: TWO FORKLIFT TRAININGS THIS MONTH! One offered on a weekday and one on a Saturday...striving to meet your training needs and requests!
The training dates for July 2014 are as follows:
***Wednesday July 16th, 2014 (1-day format) beginning at 9am: Forklift Safety and Operation Certification Training.
Please note that the Forklift Training will be a "1 day" training format this month beginning on Wednesday 7/16, 9am. NOTE: Weekday Forklift Training will be held at: Northeast Church: 5490 Crown Blvd, Denver CO 80239.
***Saturday July 19th, 2014 (1-day format) beginning at 9am: Forklift Safety and Operation Certification Training.
Please note that the Forklift Training will be a "1 day" training format this month beginning on Saturday 7/19, 9am. NOTE: This Forklift Training will be held at : Graham Memorial Church: 5001 E. Thrill Place, Denver CO 80207.
***Saturday July 26th, 2014 (9am - 1pm): Flagger (Certified Traffic Control Specialist). Now is the time to obtain the Flagger Certification. Street repair, and highway construction projects will continue through summer. NOTE: "Flagger" training will be held at: Northeast Church of Christ: 5490 Crown Blvd, Denver CO 80239.
Additional CDOT Flagger info: IF THE ABOVE FLAGGER TRAINING DATE DOES NOT WORK WE WILL ALSO TAKE INDIVIDUAL CLIENTS, BY APPOINTMENT, THIS MONTH FOR THE FLAGGER TRAINING (Cash or money order appointments only). Call 720-334-6424 to schedule or for more info.
Full details are attached and website is below. Please reply with any questions.
Thomas C. Trotman, Training Coordinator
T-N-T Construction Training
720-334-6424 Fax 303-307-1723
T-N-T Construction Training
720-334-6424 Fax 303-307-1723
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