Wednesday 28 November 2012

[The Network] Your Voice is Needed to Protect Vital Services: Call Your Senators

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John Dandurand, Executive Director
The Human Services Network of Colorado


Coalition on Human Needs

Wednesday, November 28th


There are people in Congress who would cut or end vital services in order to preserve enormous tax cuts for the wealthiest people.  They would let tax cuts expire for 98 percent of us in order to keep up the pressure to protect hundreds of billions in tax breaks for those at the top.  We have to say no to that.  With fair revenues, we can have a responsible budget plan while protecting Medicaid, federal emergency unemployment insurance benefits, SNAP/food stamps, and vital improvements to tax credits for low-income working families.  We can avoid deep cuts to human needs programs including education, job training for youth, and nutrition assistance for infants and mothers which are scheduled to begin in January 2013. Congress must not protect tax breaks for the super rich and CEO's at the expense of working families and the middle class.  We can find savings from waste in the Pentagon, but must not from essential human needs services. Congress must act to end extra tax breaks at the top while protecting the vulnerable and rebuilding the economy. 

Spread the Word.  We need your help to forward news of the November 28th call-in day to everyone you know.  The line is open now and will stay open for those who cannot call on November 28th. We need thousands of calls to reach Senators, because if enough of them hold firm, we can protect working families and vulnerable people and restore our economy. You can make a difference.  Start now by forwarding the message below.


November 28th National Call-In Day

Call Your Senators: 1 (888) 743-1097
Use this toll-free number (generously provided by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) to be connected to your Senators.

Tell them:

  In the budget and tax decisions ahead, please end the irresponsible extra tax breaks for the wealthiest 2 percent and protect low-income and vulnerable people, invest in jobs, and seek responsible savings by targeting waste in the Pentagon.  Don't cut vital priorities like Medicaid, food stamps, Unemployment Insurance, education, and housing.  [note: feel free to add other items important to you - most human needs programs are threatened with cuts now.]

MORE, IF THE CONVERSATION ALLOWS:  You can save vital services for low-income and vulnerable people by ending tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent.  About $1 trillion will be saved over the next decade if these tax cuts end.  People at the top will still get a big tax break; for example, those in the top 1 percent will still get an average tax break of more than $20,000 each year if the tax cuts end for income over $250,000 a year - but they will no longer average more than $70,000 each, as they do now.  Asking those at the top to pay their fair share in taxes will reduce the deficit while we rebuild our economy through needed investments in jobs, education, nutrition, health care, and housing.  These and other services will help us now, and build for the future.

FOR MORE BACKGROUND, SEE a new summary:  The Fiscal Showdown and Children:  What's at Stake
and the SAVE for All letter, signed by more than 1,900 groups nationwide.  Even more?  Check out the SAVE for All Campaign webpage.


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Bridget Kaminetsky, MSW
Lead Colorado Organizer
9to5, National Association of Working Women
655 Broadway #800
Denver, CO 80203
(303) 628-0925 x16

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