Doc, it's right at the C-470 exit that goes west into Morrison. Good to see you down at Erico's this morning. With your new loud pipes, the group may put you at the back of the pack! :-)
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I may go, is the Conoco right in the town of Morrison? Not familiar. Just in case here is my cell. 303.884.4567
On Thursday, October 11, 2012 6:41:40 PM UTC-6, Steve Smith wrote:--Hello one and all,I volunteered to lead a ride on Saturday, weather permitting, at the last meeting. However, due to other circumstances, I will have to change that to Sunday instead. If you're interested in going, we will meet at the Conoco in Morrison to depart at 10:00 AM for Woodland Park. The normal route through Deckers is the plan, with a sumptuous lunch at the Hungry Bear. From there, who knows? The weather is supposed to be nice, so I'll be in no hurry to get home. Maybe you won't be either.If you are interested, please respond to this email so I have an idea of the size of the group if any. I'm going there anyway, just cause.See you Sunday, unless you're a big NFL fan. Then probably not.
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