Register now for The Network's upcoming half-day event, Enhancing Cultural Competence in Human Service Settings
We live in a world filled with people from different places and cultural backgrounds. Recognizing and accommodating these differences results in better communication. Understanding your clients and coworkers will enhance the services you provide while improving your effectiveness and that of your team. Cultural competency honors the multiple strengths that people with different backgrounds bring to an organization.
This training offers a pragmatic approach to understanding and working with differences in the workplace, stemming from:
- Age
- Gender
- Race
- Culture
- Socioeconomic level
- Disability
- Business culture
- Religion
- Sexual orientation
Being culturally competent will help you better serve your clients. It will assist in designing intake and planning processes which honor all cultures, including yours and that of your organization.
Participants will:
- reflect on personal cultural competency and how you've changed or expanded your knowledge
- examine your and your agency's work/service practice through a cultural competency lens
- build on your understanding of the 'culture' of your clients and identify bridge building strategies to overcome barriers
- learn strategies for immediate practice in intake, goal setting. home visits and moving forward
Who should attend? Workers and supervisors whose agencies serve a culturally diverse client population.
Eligible for 3 Hours CEU.
Ellen Winiarczyk, President and Sr. Consultant of Win-ar-zic & Associates, celebrates 13 successful years building and supporting strategic and collaborative initiatives on emerging issues in local communities and across the United States. Ellen partners with local and national foundations, nonprofits, and government agencies on evidence-based and research-oriented projects in youth development, K-16 education, leadership, multicultural excellence, emerging technology, and volunteerism.
She led two projects for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in education reform and adult immigration research. She has also led strategic planning and sustainability initiatives for youth development and conservation programs across the U.S. For 5 years, Ellen co-managed executive leadership development training for the National Service Leadership Institute incorporating social justice and multicultural excellence into leadership practices. In 2010, she helped the Denver Museum of Nature and Science in their pursuit of diversifying visitors, volunteers and staff.
Ellen is a trained mediator specializing in youth and community issues. She teaches in the classroom and online in the University of Denver's Leadership and Organization's Masters program and the Regis University Masters of Nonprofit Management program where she incorporates social justice and cultural competence into her classes. For fun she loves to ski, hike, bike, and garden.
For more details and online registration, please visit Enhancing Cultural Competence in Human Service Settings
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