Wednesday, 10 October 2012

[The Network] DenverWorks Job Fair October 17, 2012

Dear Friends, Government, Non-Profit, Ministries, Churches and Community Collaborators:
Attached is a flyer for DenverWorks upcoming Job Fair.  Please post on boards, sites or anywhere else it can be viewed and utilized by jobseekers.  An fyi, we had similar last year at this time and had over 500 folks come thru, with at least 200 hired with various employers (that we heard about).  As you will see the employers are a varied mix so there are some who will consider entry to high level professionals attending, as well as those considering former offenders.   Please prepare any clients you are working with to be employment ready, and we look forward to serving your referrals. 
Thank you.....
Anna M. Aragon,
GCDFProgram Director
2828 N. Speer, #201
Denver, CO 80211(303) 433-0300, ext. 107
"Sometimes in the winds of change, we find our true direction." (author unknown)

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