This email announces an upcoming all Women's Courage & Renewal Spring Retreat - an Affordable in-town retreat:
Renew your spirit and sense of purpose to sustain your life of service!
Leading from Within: Planting the Seeds of Your Voice
A Women's Spring Retreat ~ Affordable & In-town Courage & Renewal Retreat®
March 8th - 10th, 2013
Loretto Spirituality Center, Littleton, CO
Leadership by Susan Kaplan, M.S.W., M.P.A., R.Y.T.
What is the texture of your voice in your personal and and professional roles?
In what ways do you feel a sense of fragmentation, disengagement, burn out or incongruence?
How do silence and voice shape the landscape of our lives?
Our voice can become lost among the interwoven demands of our roles. Renew your spirit & sense of purpose by stepping out of your frenized pace of life for reflection and rest - to realign roles and soul.
come listen deeply to the interweaving threads of your own voice and reflect upon the complexities of voice, such as:
- silence & voice
- stories I carry & my own story
- finding life in the "tragic gap" of living between different 'worlds'
As every gardener knows, despite our experiences of snow, mud and muck of early spring, we plant and tend to seeds of new growth.
What seeds will you plant?
Using Courage & Renewal Principles and Practices®, (based on the work of Parker Palmer and The Center for Courage & Renewal) you will experience a safe and disciplined space in which to "hear each other into speech" and be a "solitude within community". This contemplative listening process recognizes the tensions that naturally arise in our lives in a more life-giving manner. We learn to hold important questions without having the find "the right answer".
You will be invited to reconnect to values, passion and ideals that brought you into a life of service and use the power of your inner life to increase an authentic capacity in your personal and professional roles.
Open to all women ~ especially teachers, those in non-profits organizations, clergy and lay leaders, public service workers and anyone who provides service work to others in formal or informal settings.
Be present to what matters most to you.
Please see attachment for registration information and early registration discounts.
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