Monday, 5 November 2012

[The Network] FW: Holidays Under Control workshops


From: Shauna Whitworth
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 9:36 AM
To: CFSS - All
Subject: Holidays Under Control workshops



Do you….

·        Feel stressed out during the holidays?

·        Feel like you never have enough time?

·        Worry about not having enough money for the holidays or going into debt?

·        Feel the pressure to “spend, spend, spend,” all around you?

·        Feel like the holidays are out of control?


Colorado Works is hosting a wonderful workshop called Holidays Under ControlThis lighthearted, engaging and useful workshop is designed to help you reduce stress around the holidays and to take steps towards better time and money management during the hectic holiday season. The workshop, presented by Shawn Young of Financial Health Institute, is for customers, staff, partners and anyone needing “alignment” during this time of the year.  There is no cost to attend.


Two dates are available and registration is required.  The seats will fill quickly, so register today!

·         November 7th, 6-8pm @ The Action Center

·         November 13th, 10am-Noon @ Jefferson County Courts & Admin Bldg, rooms 1566 & 1567 (Westminster & Edgewater rooms) on the 1st floor


For more information, please see the attached event flyers.  Feel free to forward these to your customers and partners.    



Shauna Whitworth | Employment Retention Coordinator

Jefferson County Department of Human Services | Colorado Works - Career & Family Services

3500 Illinois Street | Golden, Colorado 80401

303-271-4732 office | 303-271-4600 fax |



"Steps to a better, safer life."


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