Sunday, 9 March 2014

Re: [emrat:4214] Re: Mark your calendars: Chuck Ferrari Memorial Ride, March 15, 2014

Martin; I will not be able to do the Chuck Ferrari ride on 3/15, as we are meeting with the Tax Man in the early afternoon.  I would like to make a donation in check form, so keep me posted on a contact person.  Thanx, Wayne E.

From: "Peltz" <>
Sent: Sunday, March 9, 2014 11:47:59 AM
Subject: [emrat:4213] Re: Mark your calendars:  Chuck Ferrari Memorial Ride, March 15, 2014

Martin - any additional updates on the memorial ride next Saturday?

On Friday, February 14, 2014 12:53:24 PM UTC-7, Martin Albright wrote:
Hi, Everybody.  I wanted to get the initial notification out there of the upcoming Chuck Ferrari Memorial Ride so people could put it on their calendars.  

Right now the plans are fairly tentative, and obviously in Colorado, Mother Nature gets a vote on whether we ride, too!  

Although I know "group rides" are traditionally on Sunday, I'd like to schedule this one for Saturday, March 15th (4 weeks from tomorrow.)  This ride will be through the Northeastern plains area, and the tentative departure point will be the Kum & Go at CO Hwy 52 and I-25 (Exit 235, the Kum & Go is located about 1/2 mile East of the exit, on the South side of Hwy 52.)  

Our ride last year, I thought was a little short, at about 75 miles total, so I've mapped out a slightly longer route, around 105 miles, however it should be noted that the "ride" will end in Fort Morgan, which is 81 miles (by the shortest route) from Denver.  So figure on a 200 mile round trip ride from the Denver metro area if you want to go on the whole thing.  

I've planned 3 stops, the first of which I hope to be a guided tour of a very interesting historic site.  I am still trying to arrange the tour.  The other two will be short talks by me, no more than about 10 minutes.  Our route will generally follow the Platte River Valley, which means lower elevations and (knock wood!) hopefully higher temperatures than last year's route that took us across the 7500' Palmer Divide.  

There will be plenty of places where you can drop out and return home for those who don't want to do the whole ride, and if its extremely cold or there is threatening weather coming in, I may decide to cut the route short a bit.  

The "weather" date will be one week following, March 22nd.  If we can't make it either one of those dates, someone else might want to take it because I'm going to be out of town from the 29th through the 5th of April.  There are a few weekends in April we can reschedule to if the weather really goes to hell.  

Our charity will be the Colorado Humane Society.  I'll get in touch with them for a contact person.  Donations will be whatever you want to donate in Chuck's memory, as the Humane Society was one of his favorite charities.  

I'm going to try and "pre-run" a bit of the ride tomorrow, and will even recon the restaurant where I'd like to finish up.  Anyone else who wants to go, email me and we'll arrange a place to meet.  I'll try to leave Englewood no later than about 8:30 or 9 am if possible.

I'll post this on the FB page as well, just to make sure everyone sees it.  We will, of course, have a RAT meeting between now and the ride, so I may have more details to put out then.  


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