Wednesday, 5 March 2014

[The Network] Denver Root Causes- Nonprofit Advocacy Opportunity


On behalf of the Colorado Participation Project staff and Advisory Committee, I am pleased to announce the launch of the2014 Denver Root Causes cohort.  Root Causes is a nonprofit advocacy cohort for human service nonprofits working in Denver.

Root Causes is an important opportunity for Denver nonprofits to increase their advocacy skills and capacity, share best practices and learn with other local agencies and experts, and participate in coordinated campaign activities on issues that directly affect our organizations.

With poverty and income gaps on the rise in our state and pressing budget challenges at every level of government, the voices of low-income communities in these debates has never been more important.  We as nonprofits have a role and responsibility to engage in advocacy, and most importantly, engage those directly impacted by policy decisions.

Please review the program timeline and application and share with your contacts and colleagues in the Denver nonprofit sector.   Applications are due March 21st.  If you have questionsr, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Rebecca Gorrell

Rebecca Gorrell, MNM | Executive Director
Colorado Participation Project
Office  720.524.8141
Cell  720.233.3939

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